To Scan for Virus Enough…

Hello, tonight I will tell you about a Virus Scan website.. Tonight I wanted to inform you about If you suspect that a file on your system is infected or has Trojan, or if you have seen a foreign program file among the running PROCESSES by doing CTRL + ALT + DEL. If you don’t trust your Anti-Virus program, or if you have doubts about whether it’s working or not, let me tell you about, which is a complete TEST unit for you…

In the past, your PC was infected with a virus to get a virus. you just had to get one file. Now, it’s only a matter of time before you get an E-Mail from a friend or even a virus infiltrates your computer from the internet…

In today’s technology, where an Anti-Virus program and a Firewall are a must for almost every computer, every virus program or every trojan mallware program is required. no trust unfortunately. Some recognize the virus, some do not, some clean it and some do not.

So how can we be sure?

The answer to this question is very simple.. Let’s learn how to do this together with you right now…

We enter the address

. We add your infected or suspected file on the internet address by clicking the BROWSE button above.

We clicked the Browse button, added the suspected file and pressed the SEND button. We wait for a while and the system scans the file we sent as you can see in the picture below.. It scans not with a single Anti-Virus program, but with more than one or even more than 10 programs, then tells us the results.. If there is a malicious program such as virus trojan mallware in this file, there is surely a program that can tell us whether it is a virus or not among so many programs.. So you are absolutely sure.

When Status FINISHED is written in the STATUS section, the scanning process is completed.. As a result of this process, we scanned our file with 31 different Anti-Virus programs.. veeeeeeeee..

I caught more than one virus, several kinds of Viruses located in the same file …

As you can see in detail in the picture below, many programs could not find a virus in the file I sent.. But eSafe, Fortinet, Microsoft, Webwasher-Gateway found the viruses stuck.

In this experiment I used a real virus and infected my system.. When I sent the file named WGA.EXE, 4 Company viruses among 31 Anti-Virus programs were able to find the virus embedded in this file.

What does this mean?

Our test There are the largest Anti-Virus software companies in the world, and the vast majority of them said that our file is clean, that is, safe.. Then these programs are useless ?

No …! It actually works.

So How?

Many anti-virus program makers are working on new viruses quickly and releasing updates. When you install these updates on your system, that is, when you update your Anti-Virus program, your system is protected.. It can protect against newly emerging viruses. However, this working process can sometimes take a long time.

So an X Anti-Virus company can develop itself against the A virus in 2 days, while another Y company can develop its own system against the same virus after 1 month.. This can vary from Virus to virus.

Even if you use the most expensive Virus program of the world’s largest Anti-Virus Company, there is a great risk of infecting your system with a virus.

The important thing is to constantly update your Anti-Virus program.. Of course, this is not a sure solution.. What if my anti-virus company couldn’t update itself ?

This question is mind-blowing.

” I couldn’t believe my eyes … ”

Yes, you’re right, among 31 programs 4 of them found …

So what to do?

Here’s the simple answer to this question….

  • A program that cannot find the infected file by looking at the result of this test once don’t worry if you use. Do not delete the program from your system, but you can still delete it, it is up to you, if you will delete it, will it protect the new anti-virus program you will install against other viruses? Make sure to test the foreign files on your system from time to time at, and make sure to scan for foreign files on your system.
  • Make sure to get the updates of your operating system.. In this way, you close your system to Viruses that use vulnerabilities in your system.
  • Use a firewall (Firewall) You will also close the backdoors of your system and do not open a door on your system to the internet or to your computer from the internet unless you want it to.
  • Anti- Update your virus program constantly.
  • Scan the files you receive from your e-mails, do not open them unless necessary, do not save them.
  • Do not exchange files with people you do not trust or do not know, or even from people you trust. He may think his system is clean.. ( We saw it above … )
  • Stay away from illegal websites such as porn, sex, adult or mp3, Crack, Hack. Many harmful programs such as Virus, Mallware, Spy from people dealing with illegal business can infect your system at any time.. There are plenty of such things in illegal places.. … (Like a lot of flies in the WC )
  • Stay tuned http://

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