A new look at internet advertising: Linkz

Linkz, Turkey’s first and only site-based advertising model, was introduced to the market..

We see that the content we encounter every day on websites consists of countless words.. When we think that these words are places that people constantly look at, we can better understand how Linkz exists.. Here Linkz is the conversion of the words chosen by the advertiser into billboards on correctly categorized websites and in the content that visitors focus on..

While the LINKZ system is running, it enables the words on content-oriented websites to be turned into billboards in a way that attracts attention but does not disturb the visitor.. This study is also delivered to numerical breakdowns with various statistics..

How Linkz Works?

On a website that has integrated with LINKZ, the technology is automatically activated when a page is first loaded. First of all, the category of the page is determined and the ads given to that category are determined.. The most suitable position of these ads on the page is detected by the system by scanning the page from top to bottom.. As soon as it comes across the words that the advertiser has specified, it “shines” them in a LINKZ-specific term, that is, makes them more eye-catching than the content of the page. This polishing process is done on a maximum of 3 different words on the same page..

While the user is on the website, when he/she hovers over one of these polished links with his mouse, a special advertisement window for LINKZ appears.. This window contains the ad headline, ad content and ad image.. In case the visitor is not interested in the advertisement, he can move his mouse to a place outside the window and make the window disappear from the screen automatically.. If the visitor is interested in the advertisement, he clicks on the window and is directed to the landing page, that is, the defined link, in an Internet advertising term..

What are Linkz Products?

There are currently 2 different Linkz products. These;

  • Text Linkz
    There is an image linked to your product on the left side of the ad box, a title on the right and a text section where you can best express your product.. This text is used to briefly inform the user about the product or service and to direct the consumer to the relevant site by clicking the ad. A title describing your product and a play button appear in the middle of the box.. After reading the title, if the user is interested in the ad, he presses the play button and starts watching your ad video that you have prepared as a result of long efforts.. At the end of the video, the user clicks anywhere on the ad box and is directed to the page determined by the advertiser.. In addition, the “Review ad” button in the lower right corner of the window directs the user to the relevant site..

    All advertisers and website owners who want to receive advertisements can get more information at www.linkz.net.

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