Easily make it Portable (Cameyo)

It is perhaps the only software that offers the best application virtualization technology as Free for both home users and IT Administrators, it offers two main menus, one is to burn the installation (Capture installation), the other is to edit the existing package (Editing existing package), First of all, press Capture installation, it will take a system image

When the image is taken, the following screen will appear

Now you can install your software, then Install Press the done button and on the next screen, select the name and the path to save, etc., then say ok and wait for your Portables to be created


PickMeApp (move software from one system to another with all its settings)

In the above article, we talked about Cameyo, an easily portable production software, with Enigma Virtual Box any dll or any program necessary for the operation of the program. A software that is installed can be turned into a portable that works as a single exe without losing a component . What if we want to move one or more software that we have installed on our system many years ago and that does not have an installer to our new computer , what do we do ? In this case, PickMeApp software is running to our aid, the portable software can capture the installed software with all its settings (still in the portable stage), the software comes with an interface consisting of two simple panes, the software installed in our system is listed on the left, the captured applications are listed on the right, when we run the software first lists the software installed in our system on the left and from here we will be able to press the insatll button on the PC we want and install the software


Ceedo (make the program you want run from USB memory) Bring it)

In our article here, we have given information about making it portable easily, which is better than the program there. and the other program that allows you to easily make every program portable is ceedo, but our handicap here is that the program is paid, the working logic of the program is similar to a sandbox, that is, it creates a virtual system and registry and the programs are installed as if they are installed (actually usb deler) works, so you can make any program portable without restrictions.

See also

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