Facebook’s Official Twitter and Instagram Accounts Hacked!

A group of hackers recently managed to hack Facebook’s official Twitter and Instagram accounts. The name of this group, which demands payment for hacking the accounts of the social media giant, is OurMine.

Ourmine previously gave a link to their own site by simultaneously hacking the official social media accounts of great CEOs. OurMine, which offers 4-5 different web site security packages to people who enter their sites, made a great show of strength in this way. They also broke the official social media accounts of HBO, The New York Times, NFL and ESPN.

This time, they broke Facebook’s official Twitter and Instagram accounts. Afterwards, they shared the following tweet from the account they broke: “Hello, we are OurMine. Even Facebook can be hacked, but at least their security is better than Twitter.”

The OurMine team, which does not neglect to set both social media giants against each other in their message, manages to bring themselves to the agenda by making hacking attempts in this way. The group, which has managed to attract the attention of people in the industry, is also collecting donations according to a rumor.

In the face of this situation, the accounts that were broken were suspended by Twitter and were recovered within 30 minutes. A spokesperson for Twitter said, “As soon as we became aware of the issue, we locked the compromised accounts and are working closely with our partners at Facebook.”

Other than that, OurMine also managed to hack the official Facebook and Messenger Instagram accounts. When people saw the OurMine logo on both accounts from time to time, they realized that the accounts were broken.

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