German Professions [I’m Learning German]

How to write German occupations, German occupations? , What is the spelling of German professions for men and women? In this article, we told you how professions are written in German.. Here are the details..

One of the basic courses at the entry level to German is the professions.. Professions in German are almost entirely rote-based.. The only point to be considered in the spelling of professions in German is the difference between men and women.

In German, professions are written differently for both men and women.. For example; The equivalent of the Chef profession in German is for gentlemen; Expressed as “der Koch”, for ladies; It is expressed as ”die Köchin”.

Also, as you can see in the example above, besides the slight differences in the profession words for men and women, while professions are expressed in German, for men it is before the profession ”der” is used, for women the article ”die” is used.

So, in German, the only invariant case apart from the change in words; While expressing professions, the article “der” is used in front of the profession for men and “die” is used for women.

Now, the most common occupations in daily life are listed in the table below.

Here are German Occupations! ( Die Berufe )

The following table is listed as occupation (Turkish), occupation in German for men, and spelling of occupation for women.. In addition, the occupations in the table below are listed in alphabetical order.

Profession (Turkish) Profession (Male) Profession (Female) Soldier der Soldat die Soldatin Cook der Koch die Köchin Lawyer der Rechtsanwalt die Rechtsanwältin Barber, hairdresser der Friseur die Friseure Computer eng. der Informatiker die Informatikerin Farmer der Bauer die Bäuerin Doktor der Arzt die Ärztin Pharmacist der Apotheker die Apothekerin Photographer der Photograph die Photographer Garson der Kellner die Kellnerin Journalist der Journalist die Journalist Hakim der Richter die Richterin Firefighter der Feuerwehrman die Feuerwehrman Metroenzher Kasap Mehrinzher der Beamter die Beamtin Hairdresser der Friseur die Friseurin Architect der Architekt die Architektin Engineer der Ingenieur die Ingenieurin Musician der Musiker die Musikerin Actor der Schauspieler die Schauspielerin Student (university) der Student die Studentin Student (high school) der Schüler die Schüerer Lehrer teacher Boss der Chef die Chefin Pilot der Pilot die Pilotin Polis der Polizist die Polisistin Politician der Politiker die Politikerin Painter der Maler die Malerin Prosecutor der Saatsanwalt die Saatsanwaltin Driver der Fahrer die Fahrerin Translator der Dolmetscher die Dol metscherin Tailor der Schneider die Schneiderin Merchant, artisan der Kauffmann die Kauffrau Veterinary der Tierarzt die Tierarztin Author der Schriftsteller die Schriftstellerin

The above list has been created according to the most common types of occupations.

We have finished the topic of colors in German. You can specify your questions about the subject in the “comments” section below.. Hope to see you on a new German course..

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