Green Roof System

Buildings are rising by occupying the green spaces in our cities.. We cannot return these green spaces that we have occupied to nature as before, because we have to continue our lives to meet our shelter needs.. What we need to solve here is how can we build our buildings with the least damage to nature?. At this point, we have to develop innovative solutions.. One of them is green roof applications. This practice, which is known as a green roof in our country, is known as ‘brown roofs’ in England, ‘ecological roofs’ and ‘living roofs’ in Europe and the United States.. The purpose of the green roof application is to create a botanical garden on the area that is sometimes used as a terrace at the top of the buildings.

It can also be defined as transforming the roofs into green areas with plants.. In the green roof application, there are some layers on the classical concrete or steel part of the building built by civil engineers. These layers are as follows: Drainage layer, root holder layer, waterproofing membrane.. Green roofs are never a substitute for nature, but instead of always seeing the same roof applications, we can have different and special green areas.. With green roofs, we reduce the damage we do to natural life, even if it is a little bit.. The structure of green roofs is completely different from normal roofs and is an application that requires constant maintenance.. The historical development of green roofs has been in the last 15 years.

There are two different green roof approaches, defined as extensive and intensive roofs.. Intensive green roofs are heavy, costly, and require constant maintenance.. Extensive green roofs, on the other hand, are low weight and economical roofs that do not require constant maintenance.. Intensive roofs are roofs that create pleasant spaces for people, although they are more advanced and expensive than extensive roofs.. Green roofs provide environmental, social, economic and ecological benefits.. It is an application that every architect and engineer should have in mind in terms of sustainability of ecological balance.

This content was prepared by Volkan Atabey for

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