How to Change Language of Google Chrome?

In this article, we will tell you what you need to do to change the language of Google Chrome, one of the most used operating systems in the world.

Under normal conditions, it is downloaded as a language pack. If you try to change it now, if you try to change Turkish to English, you cannot do it. Because there is no package. You will add the package. It will also download the package. Chrome does not include any extra packages to not take up much space.

To change the language in Chrome;

We go to the Settings section. When you come to the bottom of the settings menu, there is a show advanced settings button, and we click on it and expand the settings menu.

When we expand the setting menu, you will see the language settings menu without going too far down.

We enter the language settings menu. When you enter it, you will see the “add” option. When you say add, you can download the language you want as a package and install it on Chrome. In this way, you can perform language switching in Chrome. Let me also mention this. Each language pack takes up extra space. I suggest you uninstall language packs that you are not using. If you do not have storage problems, you can not delete it.

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