How to Check Hard Disk Health?

If the hard drive starts making clicking or sizzling noises, can’t seem to find your files, and it’s acting really slow, and if these errors persist despite resolving system issues, it may be time to say goodbye to your hard drive.

Every hard disk has a lifetime. The biggest symptoms that indicate that the computer is now slowly ending its life are strange noises, corrupted files, crashing during boot, and very slow transfer, which are indications that you should watch the disk.. These discs wear out as they consist of moving parts and their lifespan ends after a certain period of time.. SSDs are very different disks when it comes to hard disk.. They have a longer life. See the difference between HDD and SSD disks.


Most modern drives are S.M.A.R.T.. (Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology). Monitors different drive attributes to detect a failed disk. This way, you will be aware of the hard disk that is getting old.

In Windows, S.M.A.R.T.. Status of your drivers from Command Prompt. At the bottom left, right-click the Start menu or press Windows + R, select “Run“ and type “cmd” or in the search bar “cmd Type ” or right-click the Windows icon from the bottom left Run “Command Prompt” or “Command Prompt (Admin)”. Type the following command on the screen and say Enter.

wmic diskdrive get model,status

Pred Fail” or “When your drive is near death” “OK” will appear if it thinks the drive is working fine. When you see the phrase “Pred Fail”, it means that your disk is physically almost finished.

If there is “OK” statement; Computer slowdown or sound coming from the hard disk may be systemic reasons.. Especially by writing and erasing data on your hard disk, the order of writing the data to the disk is disrupted.. Irregular writing of data means that the hard disk needle is constantly in motion while your computer is reading the data.. This will cause your disc to make noise.. In this case, the first thing you should do is try to organize your data on the disk by defragmenting the Windows disk.. You can see how to do this in this article.. You can also take a look at the solutions for slowing down the computer.

If Your Hard Disk Is Dead

If you have received information that your hard disk is dead. The first thing you should do is to back up your important data by moving it to another disk. If you have received a “Pred Fail” error, your disk will become more difficult to work with each passing day and may become unable to recover data.. For this reason, you should recover your data from the failed disk first.

If your hard disk drive starts to stop working, you should get rid of the disk as soon as possible and you should buy a disk.. Data recovery also becomes more difficult when the stop error starts.

You can also consider cloud storage systems to back up your data.. With cloud storage, such risks do not happen to you.. No matter what happens to your computer, you can access data from anywhere with the Internet in cloud storage.

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