How to enter the sites closed by telecommunications?

We may want to access blocked sites in our country for many reasons from time to time.. The biggest example of these is WikiPedia, which has been reopened recently.. As we know, WikiPedia was closed to access in our country.. Fortunately, it has been reopened so that information can be accessed a little more easily.. In such cases, How to enter the sites closed by Telecommunication we will learn together in this article.

How to Enter Sites Closed by Telecommunication?

We will be learning about sites closed by Telecommunication There are many ways to enter sites. The most important of these is to use a VPN program.. You can use the program to access banned sites from the computer or follow the steps to install Windows 10 VPN, which is a free VPN solution.. In addition to these, it is useful to examine open source vpn solutions.

To access the sites closed by telecommunications, we first need to know the logic of the telecommunication barrier.. Telecommunication is a name given to two or more individuals to exchange information with each other with the help of technology.. Our official institution, where this communication is controlled, is known as BTK (Information Technologies and Communications Authority).

If you are connecting to the internet using base stations located within the borders of Turkey and you want to access a site that is closed by telecommunications, select your location. You need to change and login to this site. When you connect to the internet from a different location (outside the region where the ban is valid), you can access the sites closed by Telecommunications.

Sites closed by Telecommunication are experiencing access problems with the TİB blockade.. This obstacle is actually put in order to ensure that the society is more free and safe on the internet at the same time.

The blocking of sites occurs within the framework of certain rules.. It is forbidden to broadcast sexually explicit sites in our country.. Access to these sites is blocked unconditionally, as we do not have an organization that controls these sites that children may accidentally click on.. For this reason, the relevant sites are directly blocked by the TİB, that is, the Telecommunication block.

In addition to sites with sexual content, some pages and sites where terrorism, illegal topics and illegal posts are made are blocked by telecommunication, and their access is restricted.

How to Enter Sites Closed by Telecommunications

As I mentioned in the previous part of the article, you need to use VPN to access sites that are closed by Telecommunications.. Sites blocked by telecommunication are prohibited sites, and I have specified how to enter banned sites in my article titled How to Enter Banned Sites.. There are 13 different methods in this article. You can use the most suitable one of these methods and access the banned sites.

Another article I wrote on this subject is the Program for Access to Banned Sites from Computer.. In this article, I have listed special programs for those who want to access banned sites with the program.

For more information about VPN, be sure to read my Best open source VPN article as well.. You can also integrate a permanent VPN service into your computer with Windows 10 VPN Setup. If you want to use a VPN that will only work with the Chrome extension, I recommend you to read my article on Chrome VPN Extensions.

. You can always comment us for your questions, opinions and suggestions on the subject.. We respond to comments within the same day.. See you in the next articles.

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