How to Make Hyphen (-) and Underscore (_) Sign on the Keyboard?

Where are the Hyphen and Subhyphen on the keyboard? How to make a hyphen (-) sign on the keyboard? How to make the Underscore (_) sign on the keyboard? How to type hyphen and underscore from keyboard? In this article, we told you how to type hyphens and underscores from your computer keyboard.. Here are the details.

Computer keyboards have hundreds of symbols and signs that we can use as well as letters and numbers.. However, not all of these symbols and signs appear on keyboards.. Some symbols and signs are located on the keys of the keyboards.. However, many of these symbols and signs on the keyboards cannot be used by pressing that key.

In order to use many symbols and signs on the keyboards, you need to make some key combinations on your keyboard.. For example, to make the Dollar ($) sign on your keyboard, you need to press the ”4 Key” from the number keys on the top of the keyboard while holding down the alt (alt gr) key on your keyboard.

This situation is inside the dash and underscore keys. can be considered valid because while you can add the hyphen directly to your writing by pressing the hyphen key on your keyboard, you need to make a key combination to add the underscore sign.


To make hyphens and underscores from the keyboard, as we mentioned above, you need to press another key to make the underscore sign.. This does not apply to the hyphen (-) sign. You can create the hyphen by pressing the ”HYSE” key located next to the ”Backspace” (delete) key on your keyboard.

The ”HYSHEET” that we have indicated in the blue box in the picture below. You can simply add the hyphen to your text or where you want to use it by pressing the sign key.


While the hyphen can be added by directly pressing the hyphen key, you need to hold down the ”SHIFT” key (under the enter key) on your keyboard before pressing the hyphen key on your keyboard to make the underscore sign.. To create the underscore (_) sign, first hold down the ”SHIFT” key on your keyboard and press the ”HYPHEN” sign while holding this key. After this key combination, the Underscore sign will be added to your text or wherever you want to add it.

( NOTE: There are 2 Shift keys on keyboards.. You can also use the Shift key above the Ctrl key on the left side of your keyboard.)

TIP: If you wish, hyphen ( – ) and underscore ( _ ) signs by copying and pasting them wherever you want.. Of course, you can think of why you would use such a method when you can simply create these signs from the keyboard.. Maybe these keys are broken on the keyboard of the person who wants to use this sign.. This is also a possibility.

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