How to Open Windows 7/8.1/10 On-Screen Keyboard? ( ILLUSTRATIONS )

How to open on-screen keyboard in Windows? How to turn off the on-screen keyboard in Windows? How to activate the on-screen keyboard in Windows 7 / 8.1 / 10 operating systems? In this article, we have illustrated how to turn on the On-Screen Keyboard feature, which is a feature of Windows, in Windows operating systems.. Here are the details..

Windows operating system provides convenience to users at many points. One of these features that Windows has provided to its users is the “On-Screen Keyboard” feature.. With the on-screen keyboard feature, computer users can open a virtual keyboard on their computer’s screen and use this keyboard in a way that is no different from the physical keyboard in Windows. You can access all the keys on your computer’s physical keyboard on your screen, and you can use this keyboard no different than a normal keyboard.

You can use this keyboard, which opens as a window on the Windows screen, via your computer’s mouse or your laptop’s touchpad.


You can use this keyboard on Windows 7, Windows 8 and 8.1, Windows 10 operating systems. Although this keyboard appears in the same way in all Windows versions, it does not open in the same way.

Now let’s look at how this keyboard can be opened in Windows versions, one by one.. For those who are wondering, we have shared what the on-screen keyboard looks like in the picture below.

(NOTE: You can place this keyboard, which will be opened on your computer screen, to any position by moving the window.. You can also make the on-screen keyboard the size you want.. )


There are several different ways to open the onscreen keyboard in the Windows 10 operating system.

Our first method is: “Find and open the onscreen keyboard application from the search”

To open the on-screen keyboard in the Windows 10 operating system, first press the “SEARCH” button located to the right of the Windows icon in the lower left corner of our computer.

Type ”On-Screen Keyboard” in the search field that will open as in the picture above. As you can see in the picture above, the “On-Screen Keyboard” application will appear at the top where the search results are displayed.. Click on the On-screen keyboard text that appears in the search results and open the on-screen keyboard.

The on-screen keyboard will open on your screen as in the picture above.. You can adjust the size or location of the keyboard with the same method as it is done in all window types.

Also, by pressing the “Options” button, which we indicated with the red box in the picture above, on the right side of your keyboard.. You can make some adjustments to your keyboard.. (eg. Key sound etc..)

2. Our method is; “Opening the on-screen keyboard with the hotkey in Windows 10”

You can turn the on-screen keyboard on or off with the hotkey in Windows 10. This hotkey is only used in Windows 10 operating system. Does not work on Windows 8 and below. You can learn the Windows 10 hotkey and how to use it here.


In Windows 8.1 and 7, the on-screen keyboard is still opened with the search method.. Search for “On-Screen Keyboard” from the search section and click “On-Screen Keyboard” from the results. On-screen keyboard will appear on your screen.

Also, if you wish, you can go to the on-screen keyboard opening page with a shortcut key, and you can open your on-screen keyboard from this page.

In Windows 7 and 8.1 operating systems, you can apply to go to the on-screen keyboard opening page. key combination: ” Windows KEY + U ”

Press and hold ”Windows key” on your keyboard and while holding this key, press Press the ”U” key. With this key combination, the ”Ease of Access Center” will open on your screen as in the picture below.

The ”Screen, which we have indicated with a red box in the picture above, on this page. Click on “Start Keyboard”. After clicking this option, ”On-Screen Keyboard” will appear on your screen.

The process is that simple.

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