How to See Saved Passwords in Chrome

Google Chrome saves your passwords as you know. Of course, if you want too. Many people use Chrome for this reason. Nothing disappears from Chrome. Let the years pass. Nothing is lost unless you forget your Gmail password or somehow lose your Gmail address.

How to see saved passwords in Chrome? Password is being saved. You can enter from anywhere because the password is registered, but you do not remember the password. You can remember the password saved in Chrome by seeing it. To do this;

  • First of all, you enter the Google Chrome settings and type “password” in the search bar. When you type a password, a setting called “manage passwords” will appear at the bottom.
  • When you say manage passwords, all your saved passwords in Chrome will be there. However, you can see it with an asterisk.
  • It shows like this because it is hidden. Your computer password is required to show passwords. When you enter your Windows password, the password will appear.

This way, you can see your passwords in Google Chrome.

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