How to Turn Off Instagram Comments? | [Disable Posts for Comments]

How to turn off comments on Instagram? How to turn off comments on a post shared on Instagram? How to turn off comments on photos on Instagram? In this article, we have explained to you how the comments under the posts shared on Instagram are turned off.. Here are the details..

As you know, Instagram is one of the most popular social media networks today.. With the innovations and updates it has made, the number of users of Instagram, whose popularity is increasing day by day, is also increasing day by day.

In Instagram, which has millions of users, thousands of new posts are made every minute.. Users present these posts they have made to all Instagram users, whether they are only to their followers or to all Instagram users.

Other Instagram users can also like or comment under the posts. Although the likes under the posts are liked by almost all Instagram users, sometimes the comments made under the posts are not welcome.. You should be prepared for all kinds of nice and pleasant comments as well as bad comments, since comments may come from people you do not know, especially on profiles that are open to everyone, on Instagram.. You can access this from the explanation section at the end of the topic.

In addition, you may want to prevent your followers from commenting on the posts you have shared on Instagram.. You can also prevent some people from your follower list from commenting on your posts.. You can access this from the description section at the end of the topic.

If you want to turn off comments on Instagram to all users, you need to follow the steps below.. You need to follow some steps to turn off comments on the post or posts you share on Instagram.. Instagram allows users to turn off comments on any post they want.. However, you need to do this to the post you want to close for every comment.. Unfortunately, we cannot do this in a collective way.

How can I turn off comments on the post that I shared on Instagram or that I will share right now? We have explained the answer to your question step by step with a picture below.. Here are the details..


1- First, log in to your account from the Instagram app.

2- Then navigate to the Instagram post you want to turn off comments on.

3- Then turn off comments Tap the ”3 dots side by side” icon in the upper right corner of the post you want. (*The part we have indicated with an arrow sign in the screenshot on the left in the picture above.)

4- After tapping the icon, tap the “Turn off commenting” option in the sub-window that appears and click the relevant post. turn off comments.. In addition, in order to make the post that you previously closed for comments open to comments again, you can activate the comments again by clicking the same icon and tapping the “Turn on commenting” option from the options that appear.

Note: You can also turn off your new posts for comments before posting them.. For this, you can apply this process by clicking the “advanced settings” option at the bottom of the page in the last sharing stage of the post and tapping the option to turn off the comments that appear.. If you wish, you can make these adjustments again after sharing the post.. You can open the post for comments at any time in line with what you want.


You can allow comments to be made only by your followers on Instagram.. You can go to this article to set comments to be made only by followers on Instagram.


You can prevent certain people from commenting on your posts on Instagram.. To turn off one or more people from commenting on your posts, that is, to prevent those people from commenting, you can go to our article below.



”In this article, we told you how to turn off comments on Instagram posts.. You can tell us all your questions and problems about the subject in the ‘comments‘ section below.”

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