Installing Apps Not Supported by Your Device on Google Play

There are some applications that it is not possible to install the application on your device in Google Play. When you click on the application, it says this item is not compatible with your device. Here in this article, I will give you information on how to install these applications on the phone.

If you want to install these applications on the device, you should try the only way I will suggest you. There is no other way than the one I would suggest. Even if there is, I haven’t heard of it until now.

  • First of all, you need to give up hope on Google Play. Because there is nothing you can do from there. If you say I have time, be patient, wait. The manufacturer of your device will fix this problem over time. Or Google Play will fix the problem. You cannot do anything about it. If you don’t want to wait, continue with the steps below.
  • The first thing you need to do after exiting Google Play is to search for an apk in the name of your application. As you know, the Android operating system file has .apk extension.
  • When you find the apk, click on it and bring it to the install position. If it says you need to open unknown sources in settings, open it and continue. At the end of the process, the application that you cannot install will be installed on your phone.

You can install incompatible applications on Google Play this way.

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