Mission Navigation Belt: Military Navigation Belt

It is essential that you use all your senses actively during a military operation.. Otherwise, the mission may fail.. With the development of technology, the task capabilities of the soldiers are increasing day by day.. There are many technological devices that can provide solutions to the problems of military personnel in the field, but they all have a disadvantage.. It can be very dangerous sometimes, especially using GPS devices that enable personnel to find directions.. Backlit GPS systems can reveal the position of soldiers.. Using visual systems at night is also not safe and auditory systems may not be heard in noisy environments.. In short, conventional navigation systems have the potential to endanger the person and can reveal the user’s position in a critical situation.

Mission Navigation Belt uses haptic feedback to deliver navigation notifications, making GPS-based navigation safer and more intuitive.. The navigation belt is housed in a lightweight strap that soldiers wear around the waist.. With its silent vibration motors, it allows the personnel to feel the direction they will go..

Working in partnership with the Royal Netherlands Army, company Elitac offers an intuitive approach with its haptic feedback belt.

Navigation systems can compromise situational awareness. Soldiers need to listen to voice instructions and give their focus to the navigation device to use it.. The Mission Navigation Belt transmits navigation information with haptic feedback, allowing soldiers to sense their destination.. It allows soldiers to use their hands, eyes and ears more effectively to focus on their surroundings.

Mission Navigation Belt: How It Works

Mission Navigation Belt is a lightweight belt worn around the waist.. It connects to existing GPS-based military systems and transmits navigation instructions to the user with small vibration motors.. Belt fit around the waist and precise vibrations make navigation extremely intuitive. Soldiers can reach their targets quickly and safely while focusing on their surroundings.. The device can work seamlessly with other GPS systems without the need for additional batteries.. Additionally, the Mission Navigation Belt can be used on land, water, in a military vehicle or on foot.

Another great advantage of the system is its highly intuitive use.. The soldier does not need any training to use the tool.

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