We Turned Over 1 Year Finally..

Tonight is the birthday of my website TEAkolik.Com.. Although I have been blogging for 3 years, I had a domain as info before.. Then losing the DB and all that caused me to start over.. 2 years of labor was gone. Now, I can say that I completely overcame my blog inexperience.. Actually, it’s been 3 years. I continue as a Blogger.

So what happened?. ?

My Google PageRank is 4 in 1 Year.

Dmoz.Org accepted me in this 1 year.

I wrote 413 posts.

1696 different people posted comments

3,757 A total of comments have been sent.

Membership is not mandatory and I even put a REGISTER link on the top right so that no one will notice
421 people have subscribed to my blog.

Most read My Driver request article rose to the top with 1280 comments.

Recently topped the top with 70.245 unique ip visits Monthly I continue to rise towards it.

I can say that I started to impress with an average of 1.73 Pages/Visit.

Average of 1:18 per person I can keep my visitors on my site with minutes.

Even though I broadcast in Turkish, a statistics like the following occurred.

tr : 60,014
en-us : 4,467
es : 280
pt-br : 240
tr-tr : 189
pl : 181

I couldn’t improve my English properly…

I have 10,512 continuous readers per month.


My articles were published and linked on 240 different internet pages.

Google started to send me an average of 60,000 monthly users.

Friends with the most comments…

  • murat (45 comments)
  • mustafa (35 comments)
  • mehmet (34 comments)
  • ahmet (28 comments)
  • ALi ( 26 comments)
  • khan (24 comments)
  • Nil_Lin (24 comments)
  • <

  • hassan (21 comments)
  • fatih (21 comments)
  • Serkan (21 comments) strong>
  • People who comment the most….
    …thank you a lot reach.

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