What are the 15th night prayers of the half of Rajab?

Citizens, 15 of the month of Rajab. When is the night, what day is it? The 15th month of Rajab-i Sharif. What are the night prayers? 15. night prayers and its recipe are in our news. Rajab 15. How is the recipe for 14 rak’ah prayers to be performed at night?

15. What are the night prayers?

It is very rewarding to pray 14 rak’ahs at night connecting Friday, February 26 to Saturday, February 27.. So, what are the performance, description and virtues of the 14-rakat prayer? Hadith-i Sharifs are in our news.

The 15th of Rajab-i Sharif. night is the night that connects Friday, February 26 to Saturday, February 27. That is, on the 15th of Rajab.. The night will start with the evening prayer on Friday, February 26, 2021 and will continue until Saturday, February 27, Saturday.. Since nights come first in our religion, night is experienced first and then day is experienced.


“Whoever performs 14 rak’ahs on the half (fifteenth) night of Rajab, in each rak’ah, 1 Fatiha, 20 Ikhlas (Gulhuvallahüehad) He recites Surahs Falak and Nas three times each.

When he finishes his prayer, he recites blessings on me 10 times and then 30 times, if he says rosary, hamd, takbir and tehlil, that is, if he says ‘Subhanallahi Alhamdulillahi Allahüekberu Lêilêheillallah’, Allah will send 1000 angels to write down his good deeds and plant trees for him in Firdevs Paradise.

He will erase all the sins he has committed until that night, Until the next year, he will not write any sin on it.. For each rak’ah, he gives him 10 cities of red ruby ​​in Paradise.

An angel comes and says, putting his hand between his shoulders: Your past sins are definitely forgiven, start your work again.”

(Source: Cûzekanî, Suyuti, al-Le’âli)

2-) 15th month of Rajab. It is one of the deeds that are encouraged to perform 100 rak’ahs with one Fatiha, 10 Ikhlas and on the night, to pray 1000 times after it, and to pray 50 rak’ahs with one Fatiha and one Ikhlas on the day.

(Source: Muhammed en-Nâzilî, Treasuret’l esrâr)

We would like to thank Hodja Cübbeli Ahmet for translating prayer descriptions, dhikrs, hadiths and worship from Arabic. God bless him and give him a lot of fruitful times. AMIN

For more detailed information https://cubbeliden.blogspot.com/2018/03/recebin-15-night-ve-gunu-namaz.html

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