What are the Basic Features of Creative Advertising?

Discussing recommendation frameworks for successful ads is essential. It will be helpful to identify some points, including the creative element, for a decision framework on whether advertisements will be effective.

D’Arcy, MasiusBenton & Bowles’ general advertising standards, together with the main criteria discussed in the evaluation of creative approaches and successful advertising in general (As cited by Uztuğ, 2009):

Does the advertisement position the product simply, without length and at a certain level of clarity?: The target audience of the promoted product / service, what the product is for should be able to see who it is for and why they should be interested in the product. The first task of advertising is to clearly show how the product/service fits the consumer’s life.. Creativity cannot begin without a focus on simplicity, clarity, and positioning.

The consumer’s concern is “What’s in this product for me?” summarizing your idea is the essence of successful advertising. In addition, effective advertising immediately and distinctly conveys the idea of ​​advertising to the consumer.. A reader or viewer spends an average of one or half a second on an ad.. Until the second minute, he generally does not remember anything he has seen or read.. Therefore, an effective advertisement is one that can instantly connect with its target audience.

Does the advertisement lock the brand for a certain benefit? Does it offer a strong promise or benefit?: Advertising should be built on the most necessary and persuasive consumer benefit. Before considering how to say it, make sure that the right thing is said.. If the most necessary benefit is unknown, what it is must be found before starting anything.

Ads should contain what the consumer wants to hear, not what the advertiser wants to hear.. Successful advertising explains what kind of benefit it has to meet the consumer’s need or desire, because the consumer first knows what is important for him in that product/service.

Effective advertising must carry a competitive promise or benefit. This promise can be rational, emotional, or a combination of both.. However, the promise made must definitely originate from the product.. Advertising is unlikely to be successful if the reaching and acceptance of the sales message does not influence the consumer to buy, and it loses importance how entertaining or interesting it can be under these circumstances.

First of all, the basic assumption of a sales message is to persuade.. Persuasion also happens when the message provides a benefit for the recipient, not the sender.
Also, the consumer buys the product benefit, not the product features.. Features of a product/service are what make up utility.

Therefore, consumers are concerned with utility, not features.. The difference between features and utility is a key factor in developing an effective advertising strategy.

Does the ad contain a strong idea?: A strong idea is a tool that translates into strategy within a dynamic, creative communication concept.. It’s the self-creative idea that lays the foundation for a clever build. The ideal strong idea should be able to be explained in a simple sentence, word, or few words without resorting to any final construction.

Is the ad unexpected?: Advertisers within the category should be able to look like everyone else, and to everyone. they don’t prefer ads that look like. Advertiser must dare to be different. Because sameness is suicide. The important thing is not to make the competition better than the other person, but to destroy it.

Is the ad right-minded?: If the right thing to say is determined and a way to say it is created, the ad is an unusual one. way will be fine. Why waste time saying anything else? If advertisers want something bigger than a piece of advertisement to be remembered, it shouldn’t be made any harder than it is.. The ad should only be about one big thing.

Does the ad reward consumers?: The ad should give the viewer something like tears, smiles, laughter that will make it easier for them to understand the message.. An emotional stimulus is something special that makes you want to see the ad over and over again.

Does the ad visually capture?: Excellent ads that we remember and replay in our memory are unusual ads: eye-straining, attention-grabbing Attention, emotions, and thoughts must be captured that attracts, nourishes the feast.

Is the creative method aligned with the brand’s marketing and advertising objectives?: The creative method should be in harmony with the brand’s image and positioning in the market and contribute to the marketing and advertising objectives.

Is the creative method aligned with the creative strategy and objectives?: It should meet the advertising objectives and say what the advertising strategy aims to say.

Does the advertisement speak to the needs or wants of the target audience?: strong> Nowadays, many The problem with advertising is that it does not appeal to consumers’ wants and needs.. Successful advertising is an advertisement made primarily for the wishes or needs of the target audience.. Consumers make a purchase decision for only one reason: To find a solution to the problem they have.

The advertising world makes a big mistake for the same reason they want to sell, such as low price, quality, product differences or other competitive factors. thinks that consumers make purchasing decisions for reasons. However, consumers buy to solve the problem they think they have or to prevent the problem before it occurs.. Therefore, consumers look at the advertisement primarily to solve their problem, not for product features, differences or price.

Is the creative method suitable for the target audience?: Advertisers try to define the target audience on behalf of the product/service. spends a lot of time on placement and working on getting to know. Consideration should be given to whether the proposed advertising appeal or construction will appeal, be understood, and communicate effectively to the target audience.. In order for the advertisement to reach its purpose, the advertisement must first reach the consumers and their memories.. However, when today’s advertisements are examined, we come across people who are quite different from the actual target audience, for example, who do not live in real conditions and do not act in accordance with these conditions, do not speak and do not resemble the real target audience, but are always happy.

Creative method. Does the brand deliver a clear and believable message to consumers?: Most advertisements try to convey a message that will help sell the brand. Many advertisements fail to convey the clear and persuasive message that motivates the consumer to use a brand.. While creativity is an important element in advertising, it is also important that ads convey information about features, attributes, benefits, and/or images that give consumers a reason to buy the brand.

The creative method holds the overwhelming message. Is it?: One of the most general criticisms in the advertising world is that there is too much emphasis on creative production that overshadows the message of the advertiser.. Many creative fun ads fail to effectively showcase the brand name and/or sales idea.. Effective advertising, while protecting the idea of ​​sale, should avoid being monotonous and boring.

Is the creative method suitable for the medium?: The nature of each medium, publisher’s content, reader/ It has a special atmosphere that is different from the type of audience and the nature of the advertisement.. Therefore, care should be taken to ensure that the advertisement is as appropriate as possible to the medium in which it will be displayed.

Is the advertisement correct and enjoyable?: Advertisers consider whether the advertisement is correct as well as disturbing the consumers.

Do the items in the ad have a specific role to play towards the same goal?: Each item in the ad should have a role for the same purpose. All items should try to convince the consumer that the product is the best fit for that consumer.. Successful advertising combines all its elements in a surprising, extraordinary, unusual, unexpected way.. Instead of repeating what everyone else is doing, it generates ideas that others will want to repeat.

To see all other topics: Creative and Authorship in Advertising

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