What Do Database Administrators Do?

While many definitions come to mind when it comes to database manager, it is basically responsible for the management of these products in institutions and organizations that use database technology (Sql, Oracle, Mysql etc.). The main occupations of database administrators, whom we know as DBAs (Database Administrator), in company organizations are as follows;

Data Archiving

The size of data in institutions increases over time. This increase in data causes it to take up more space on the disk/storage; lowers performance and complicates management. A DBA must monitor the size and growth of data and archive where necessary. The method used for archiving can be a different filegroup or database on the same server or a database on a different server.. As long as the method used is in accordance with the institution’s policy and the law, you can choose the one that suits you from the possibilities and options available.

Participating in Meetings

Most DBAs hate meetings. Because DBAs need hard work and racing against time. This is why DBAs see meetings as a waste of time. Meetings are among the indispensable parts of real life.. A DBA needs to devote sufficient time to meetings as a preliminary step in communicating with other people about their needs and making most decisions.


For a DBA, which user accesses where, which record is added, which record is deleted, and which record is updated is a vital issue.. Audit can only be for a certain time period, certain users and certain data, or it can be for all users at all times.

Application Integration

In most institutions, third party applications run in isolation from other applications. A DBA allows these applications to talk to each other via T SQL or SSIS packages.

Backup and Recovery


One of the most basic jobs of a DBA is protecting the organization’s data.. It maintains this in the form of periodic backups of data. It needs a good recovery plan.. This plan needs to be written and tested, and data needs to be returned quickly in the event of a problem.. One of the biggest mistakes of a DBA is not testing his backups! Because there is no guarantee that a backup taken can be restored.. Instead of just taking backups, a DBA must also successfully restore those backups.

Business Intelligence/Data Warehousing

Business Intelligence(BI) and Data Warehousing is one of the fastest growing areas of DBA. Since this area is very complex, it should be well disciplined.

Capacity Planning

The number and size of databases grows rapidly in most organizations. The DBA should monitor data growth and make and implement plans in line with growth.. It can do this by archiving the data as well as increasing the existing storage.

Change Management

SQL Server configurations, database schemas, T SQL scripts and other database components change over time. A DBA should analyze and implement these changes beforehand.

Database Application Development

Some DBAs develop their own custom applications to facilitate administration tasks.

Data Modeling and Database Design

Building fast and scalable databases requires good database design. Large institutions only have DBAs whose job is to design databases and specialize in this field.

Developing and Implementing Best Practices

A good DBA has to be proactive. The way to be proactive is to apply best practices.. An institution’s best practices must be written and followed.

High Availability(HA)

High availability clustering, mirroring, log shipping, replication etc.. can be achieved by technologies such as. High accessibility requires very special knowledge and experience.. That’s why it’s possible to find DBAs who are just focused on this area.

Installation, Configuration, Patch Migration and SQL Server Upgrade

It is one of the most time consuming DBA jobs. Patching and SQL Server upgrades are complex, risky operations.. After these works are well planned and thoroughly tested, they should be taken to the production environment.

Load Balancing

A DBA can monitor the load on the server and move the database from a very busy server to a less busy one when needed. Another solution for load balancing is to consolidate or virtualize databases.

Documenting Work Performed

< One of the most boring jobs for a DBA is writing documents.. But don't be afraid to write documents. Because the documents you write can guide new DBAs or make your job easier.

Communication with Managers

A DBA has to get along well with both his manager and other managers. You should submit regular reports to your manager about the work you do in certain periods and get the support of your manager at the points where support is needed.. You should guide your manager to explain the criticality of the work you do and the value of the data you manage.

Managing Test Environments

Creating the test environment from the production environment in large-scale institutions and using test environments managing it is the job of the DBA. DBAs often also manage development and pre-production databases.


Monitoring is comprehensive it is a job and it is performance monitoring, log monitoring, monitoring that jobs are running properly, monitoring error logs etc.. covers monitoring operations.

Performance Tuning

Ways to improve database performance by monitoring a DBA’s performance find and apply. It is one of the most important jobs of a DBA and is a very broad subject.. There are DBAs who specialize in just this area.

Project Management

A DBA must have good project management skills.

Ensuring Data Protection

DBAs strive to ensure that corporate data is consistent and accurate.

Replicating Data

A DBA moves private data (which can be one or more tables) from one server to other servers by periodically replication and manages this replication.

Report Creation

It draws data with T SQL scripts and creates reports in a format that users can use on the reporting service. There are DBAs who specialize in this area as well.

Jobs Employed

A DBA database servers Creates and manages the SQL jobs it needs on. This job is an index rebuild, statistics update, transaction log backup etc.. Maintence may be the plan.


Creating a DBA SQL Server logins Responsible for migration to other servers and their management.


A DBA writes and develops T SQL code that works for him.


A DBA often uses an SSIS package to move data from one place to another.


Tests a DBA database conducts tests of management tools.

Training Users

A DBA shares his knowledge with other DBAs, developers, and end users. This information transfer can be in the form of one-to-one transfers or by setting up a group training class.


A DBA debugs almost every day. There are times when he drops all his work and focuses on the current fault.

Working With a Teammate

A DBA rarely works alone. A DBA is often in contact with software developers, storage specialists, network specialists, test team, outsourced company personnel, system specialists.
Mehmet GÜZEL
Source: Become an Exceptional DBA, Brad McGehee, 2009

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