What is Space Pollution? Growing Danger

What is space pollution? Our planet is surrounded by thousands of artificial satellites that bring Internet connectivity, cell phone data, GPS location services, weather updates, entertainment and more to people around the world every day.. What happens when these satellites fail?

Man-made objects in Earth’s orbit that no longer serve a useful function create space pollution. However, the number of objects in orbit, which are only remnants of past explosions, collisions, and launches, is also very large.. More than 500,000 pieces of debris or “space junk” orbit Earth. All of them are moving at 17,500 miles per hour, fast enough for a relatively small orbital debris to damage a satellite or a spacecraft. makes it a dangerous place, and if no action is taken, missions in certain regions around the Earth will become very inconvenient in the future.

The first concept of space pollution was with Sputnik I staying in Earth orbit for an extra 2 months after finishing its mission. and it was formed after it fell to earth. “What is space pollution?” Now that we have learned the answer to the question, let’s look at what can happen as a result of space pollution.

What is Space Pollution? Consequences of Space Pollution

A single collision or explosion in space; creates thousands of tiny, fast-moving tiny bits of debris that can damage or destroy a functioning satellite. For example, in 2007, the deliberate destruction of the FengYun-1C satellite doubled the amount of debris at an altitude of about 800 km, resulting in a 30% increase in the total debris population at the time. expensive. From time to time, it may be necessary to design measures, the need for surveillance and monitoring, to remove operational satellites from harm, or even to completely change missions.

According to the report published by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the expected future consequences of space pollution and debris can be listed as follows:

  • Weather forecasting, space-based communications and the Internet. important space applications may be lost.
  • Lives may increase due to the increased risk to astronauts on the International Space Station.
  • Earth science and climate research may be interrupted.
  • Earth’ Pollution in orbit, crowding and pressures may increase in less regions.
  • Economic growth and slowdown in investments in the sector may be limited.

How Can Space Pollution Be Reduced?

Space Pollution Modifications to orbiting satellites to reduce pollution are thought to cost hundreds of millions of dollars.. But the consequences will be much greater than that if nothing is done. Self-generating collisions may occur as collisions gradually increase due to the increasing number of debris and pollution in orbit.. This can lead to Kessler syndrome, which makes certain areas in orbit unusable.

According to the report published by the OECD, some substances were given to relevant companies to reduce this space pollution.. These items can be listed as follows:

  • Deliberate debris formation should be avoided.
  • The potential for accidental explosion should be minimized.
  • For missions in low Earth orbit A 25-year orbital rule should be established.
  • Missions in fixed orbit should be sent to a higher “graveyard orbit” at the end of their lives, kept out of the way of functioning satellites.

What if they’re already in orbit? What will happen to the garbage? Legal issues over the costs and ownership of space debris removal, and disputes over authority to remove invalid satellites can hinder national or international action.. But experts are still trying to figure out how to approach a large space junk using robots and model satellites.. In fact, under the leadership of the Clear Space company, it was announced that with a project that will start this year, it will be launched into orbit for a space debris collection trial in 2025..

Increased space pollution raises potential danger to all spacecraft, especially the International Space Station, space shuttle and other spacecraft. NASA takes the threat of collision with space debris seriously and has a longstanding set of guidelines on how to deal with each potential collision threat.. Collision avoidance and debris removal are vital to reducing the amount of debris in space.. If not prevented, space pollution will continue to pose a major threat to future space missions.

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