Who do you think is to blame?

At 17:45, the work is over, I was going to the locker room, as my tiredness slowed down my steps, as if there was a heavier burden on me with each step, but with the hope of going home, I was gathering energy to catch the bus service that would leave in a few minutes.. It came to my mind when I said there is a deficiency on me. My cell phone is stuck on the machine. Anyway, I said I’ll get it after I change and continued towards the locker room.

After I changed, I returned and got my phone on the machine 2 missed calls.. I went to the phone menu and checked who it was.. My love called me 2 times while I was changing my clothes… Tühh… I don’t have any credit anyway, I’ll call when I get home anyway, I’ll be home in 1 hour anyway. Did something happen? Did he call to hear my voice? Would he want something?. I started to get very tired with his questions, and I started listening to Nickelback – Rockstar Track by plugging the earphones of the phone for a while.. At that time, did I close my eyes to spread out a little on the seat of the service and relieve my tiredness?. I fell asleep…

I woke up to the shouting of the bus driver.

_ Hey man aren’t you getting off?
_ Ok I fell asleep. Thanks.. See you soon…

It was showing 19:15. I went home on a windy evening. I called her from home, but she hasn’t come yet…

But she leaves at 17:30, she should have been home at 17:45. Probably went to the bank. He would deposit the credit card installment in the bank.. But if he leaves the ATM at 18:00, he should be home at 18:15. Now it’s 19:30 Alla alla …

I’m starting to think better. Ok, he definitely stopped by a shop, but if he stops by somewhere for shopping, let me call him from a cell phone …

_ No answer, he doesn’t answer.. I wonder if he forgot his phone somewhere…

_ No answer again at 19:50…

Finally, I saw my phone ringing. The chick was calling…

_ Hello, sweetheart, where are you?

_ You know when I was going to the bank

_ Ok, it’s 7:55 p.m. Anyway, go home immediately … Call me when you get home. .

_ Ok, I’m on my way home.

At 20:15 I thought I’d call you from home, but she hasn’t come yet, where is this girl… My mind is completely confused.. I started to eat myself because of my anger..

Finally, at 20:30, a message came…

_ My love, I came home 15 minutes ago but I didn’t tell you. I didn’t call to get annoyed. When I won’t call… I’m mad at you…

Look at the message, don’t be angry, what did I do to you?

You’re leaving at 17:30, you have to be home at 17:45. :30, it’s been 2 hours and 45 minutes, I was curious, I called the house 2 times, I called your cell phone 2 times, what did I do. Did I COMMIT A CRIME ..!

Well, what can I say about the call?. Then I was tired and my head was completely confused and this came to me… I fell asleep on the sofa….

The next day..

I woke up with the phone alarm, I was on the couch, I saw 2 calls while turning off the alarm of my mobile phone at night she called me..

Anyway, I have to pack up and catch the service immediately…

I came to work at 9:00 in the morning, my phone rang…

_ Where are you?

_ I’m at work, dear

_ Where were you yesterday?

_ I was at home, my dear, I went out in front of the gate for 5 minutes and then I went home.. I’m not available now, let’s talk later

_ Let’s not talk when I won’t call..!

Hang up the phone…………..

Don’t go crazy, don’t shout, don’t go astray …!

Do I have to shout and shout?

I have to give a strong reaction ?

Both guilty and strong ?

Yesterday what did i do to you I asked where are you, I wondered, I couldn’t reach you 2 hours later, what happened?

If you’re going to hang out, you saw a friend or you went somewhere, send a message… JUST SEND A MESSAGE…

Here I’m going, I’ll go or hang out with my friend, that’s enough.. It’s that simple.. Do I ban you from going, stop?

Did I shout and call you? Did I resent you because I couldn’t reach you? Did I break your heart ?

Neither this violence nor this majesty ?

Now I am guilty ..!

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